Infographic on Sustainable Finance

IntegratingSustainabilityin MiFiD II Integration of sustainabilityrisks in IDD &Solvency II DisclosuresRegulation Sustainabilitylinks to CRR 2,CRD 5,IFR& IRD Non-FinancialReportingDirective(NFRD) EU Study on Sustainable Corporate Gov. EU Study onDue Diligencein the SupplyChain ESMA Strategyon SustainableFinance … is followed by … is not the same group as … … gives mandate to Technical Expert Group (TEG) Subgroup GB Technical Expert Group(TEG) SubgroupBenchmarks JointCommittee ofthe ESAs – ESGDisclosures TechnicalExpert Group(TEG) SubgroupClimate Discl. InternationalPlatform onSustainableFinance3 TechnicalExpert Group(TEG) SubgroupTax. Platform onSustainableFinance2 With support of 1. To be replaced by the EU Renewed Sustainable Finance Strategy 2. The expert group has started its work 3. This is a group of states, not experts from individual organizations Legend Expert Groups Directives & Regulations Other Actions / Studies 4: Investment advice / ESG 5: Sustainabilitybenchmarks 6: CreditRatings / ESG 7: Investors’ duty 8: Prudentialrequirements/ ESG 9: CorporateDisclosure 10: SustainableCorporateGovernance 1: Sustainable Taxonomy 2: Standards & Labels 3: Sustainable Infrastructure Elements of the EU Sustainable Finance Action Plan1 Key EU Actions on Finance & Reporting EU GreenBond Standard EuropeanFinancialReportingAdvisory Group(EFRAG) TaxonomyRegulation &DelegatedActs