
TNFD Event Germany


On 26 May 2023 from 10:00 a.m. econsense, TNFD and Bayer invite you to the "TNFD Market Activation" event at the Haus der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Berlin.

With over half of the world’s economic output – US$44tn of economic value generation – being moderately or highly dependent on nature, addressing the risks, impacts and dependencies on nature of business and finance cannot be ignored. In Germany, around 70% of the 110 largest listed German companies are exposed to risks related to natural resource depletion, biodiversity loss, and climate change, according to research by WWF and Pictet Study. Getting ahead of reporting and managing these risks, and understanding the opportunities tied to them, is invaluable.

TNFD, Bayer, represented on the TNFD Taskforce by Natasha Santos, and econsense invite you to an exchange on the topics of nature reporting, the TNFD framework, and what companies and financial institutions in Germany are doing to move towards nature-positive outcomes, taking place 10:00 to 13:30 on 26 May at Haus der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Berlin, Germany.

Hosted by Bayer and econsense, this event will provide an overview of the TNFD framework and approach to nature-related issues via a structured panel and engage attendees on these topics with a Q&A and open discussion. The event will be held in English.

Access to the event venue requires a registration confirmation. Registration for the event is possible until 24 May. Registration is possible via the form below.

Preliminary Agenda

  • Arrival & Check-In

  • Opening, Status Quo on Nature

    • Katarin Wagner, econsense
  • Opening, Introduction to TNFD

    • Tony Goldner, TNFD
  • Panel: Perspectives on Implementing

    • Stefanie Jordan, KPMG
    • Katja Kirchstein, WWF
    • Klaus Kunz, Bayer
    • Evgeny Tyurin, Deutsche Bank

    Moderation: Tony Goldner, TNFD

  • Q&A and discussion with audience

  • Final remarks and closing by TNFD and econsense

    • Tony Goldner, TNFD
    • Katarin Wagner, econsense
  • Lunch & Networking


Tony Goldner

Tony Goldner

Executive Director, Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)

Dr. Katja Kirchstein

Dr. Katja Kirchstein

Senior Advisor Sustainable Finance, WWF Germany

Dr. Klaus Kunz

Dr. Klaus Kunz

VP, Head of ESG – External Engagement and Performance Reporting, Bayer AG

Katarin Wagner

Executive Director, econsense



Haus der Deutschen Wirtschaft, Berlin, Germany


Arrival by train

We recommend getting off at the Berlin “Hauptbahnhof”, changing to the 147 bus, exit ”Neumannsgasse”. When you arrive at “Ostbahnhof” take the 347 bus (towards Philharmonie) and get off at the “Fischerinsel” stop.

Arrival by car

There is a limited amount of public fee-based parking available in the surrounding area.