Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is the representative body of econsense and is composed of executive board members from our member companies.

Dr. Dominik von Achten

Dr. Dominik von Achten

Chairman of the Managing Board, Heidelberg Materials

Dr.-Ing. Leonhard Birnbaum

Dr.-Ing. Leonhard Birnbaum


Dr. Martin Brudermüller

Dr. Martin Brudermüller

Chairman of the Managing Board, BASF SE

Dr. Roland Busch

Dr. Roland Busch

CEO, Siemens AG

Stefan Grosch

Stefan Grosch

Member of the Board of Management & Director of Labor Relations, Robert Bosch GmbH

Markus Haas

Markus Haas

Chairman of the Board of Directors, Telefónica Germany / Member of the Executive Committee, Telefónica S.A.

Dr. Immanuel Hermreck

Dr. Immanuel Hermreck

Chief Human Resources Officer, Bertelsmann

Bjorn Jensen

Bjorn Jensen

General Manager Central Europe, Coca-Cola Company

Renata Jungo Brüngger

Renata Jungo Brüngger

Member of the Board of Management / Integrity, Governance & Sustainability, Mercedes-Benz AG

Christian Klein

Christian Klein

CEO & Member of the Executive Board, SAP SE

Jochen Klösges

Jochen Klösges

CEO, Aareal Bank Group

Dr. Markus Krebber

Dr. Markus Krebber


 Dr. Joachim Kreuzburg

Dr. Joachim Kreuzburg

Chairman of the Executive Board, Sartorius AG

Volker Krug

Volker Krug

CEO, Deloitte Germany

Dr. Richard Lutz

Dr. Richard Lutz

CEO, Deutsche Bahn AG

Dr. Tobias Meyer

Dr. Tobias Meyer

Chairman of the Executive Board, DHL Group

Dr. Nicolas Peter

Dr. Nicolas Peter

Member of the Board of Management / Finance, BMW AG

Christina Raab

Christina Raab

Market Unit Lead, Accenture Germany, Switzerland, Austria & Russia

Dr. Michael Schleef

Dr. Michael Schleef

CEO, HSBC Germany

Andreas Schell

Andreas Schell

Chairperson of the EnBW Board of Directors / CEO, EnBW AG

Matthias Schmelzer

Matthias Schmelzer

CEO & Spokesman of the Executive Board, KPMG Germany

Dr. Ulrich Störk

Dr. Ulrich Störk

Senior Partner & Spokesman of the Management Board, PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH Germany

Dr. Theodor Weimer

Dr. Theodor Weimer

CEO, Deutsche Börse AG