
New econsense-Publication: Accelerating the Race to Net Zero

How Companies Set, Implement, and Benefit from Science-Based Targets

Five years after its adoption, the Paris agreement continues to drive climate action around the globe. The decarbonization of companies remains one of the most powerful levers in the transition to a net-zero economy. In this context, companies nowadays cannot get around science-based targets (SBTs). But what does “science-based” mean and how can companies develop science-based targets?

In order to answer these and many more questions around science-based target setting, econsense has published a new paper “Accelerating the Race to Net Zero – How Companies Set, Implement, and Benefit from Science-Based Targets”. It explains the science and methodology behind SBTs, their interconnection with net-zero pledges and highlights the benefits companies with SBTs can expect as well as the limitations of this approach. Also, it emphasizes the importance of supporting governance instruments by showcasing examples from econsense member companies, incl. climate KPIs, carbon pricing, and compensation schemes.

You can find the new paper here.

A shorter article in German language in the FAZ magazine “Verantwortung” can be found here.